Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Think Celebrities are Perfect?

Think again...(Click Here)

Adobe Photoshop is a lovely little tool and helps celebrities appear perfectly coiffed, tanned and flawless. Everyone (including ME!) could use a little Photoshopping on a daily basis too!!!!

Things like this are what is helping to contribute to the lack of self-esteem in many young girls today. Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty (and the Dove Self Esteem Fund) is a HUGE proponent of positive self-esteem and showing these young girls that celebrities and models don't REALLY look like that everyday -- that they too have flaw and it's who you are as a person that makes you beautiful.

Watch this great video from Dove called "Evolution" showing the actual steps involved in taking a normal, everyday model to the glamourous woman we see on the billboard.

I hope someday all young girls will know that all this is not real and will feel beautiful, no matter their size, eye shape, hair color, skin color or social status...

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